Lab and Bloodwork Services

When you look at the difference between mainstream lab tests and the way Naturopathy and functional medicine approaches bloodwork, it’s like comparing two ways of looking at the same puzzle. Both are important, but they focus on different things.

In a mainstream medical setting, lab tests are usually looking for something specific—like a disease or a condition. It’s like they’re asking, “Is this person sick enough to diagnose something?” If your results fall within the “normal range,” they might say everything’s fine, even if you’re not feeling great. The focus is often on identifying and treating acute or serious problems, which is crucial, but it can miss the subtle signs that something is off.

When we look at your lab results, my goal is to go beyond just asking, ‘Is there a disease we can diagnose?’ I want to see the deeper story your body is trying to tell.

You might have experienced this before—your doctor says your test results are ‘normal,’ but you still feel exhausted, your weight is changing, or something just doesn’t feel right. That’s where naturopathic and functional testing come in. I don’t just look at whether your numbers fall within a standard range. Instead, I consider what’s optimal for you, taking into account your unique health history and how you’re feeling.

For example, if your thyroid levels are technically in the normal range but on the lower side, and you’re struggling with energy or mood, that’s a signal we need to explore further. Functional testing allows us to catch those early imbalances before they become something more serious, like a diagnosable disease.

This approach also gives us objective data—clear, evidence-based information that helps guide our decisions together. It’s not just about treating symptoms; it’s about understanding why you’re experiencing them. By identifying imbalances early, we can create a personalized plan to help your body find its balance again.

What’s also important to me is using these tests as an opportunity to empower you. I want you to understand what’s happening in your body and feel motivated to take control of your health. Research even shows that patients who take an active role in their care often feel better and achieve better outcomes.

So, when we look at your lab work, we’re not just checking boxes to rule out disease. We’re building a complete picture of your health, finding opportunities to optimize how you feel, and helping you prevent future issues. This is about you, your goals, and supporting you in feeling your best—not just surviving, but truly thriving.”


  • 775-881-8558

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri: 10:00am to 4:00pm

By Appointment Only


695 Wolf St.
Kings Beach, CA 96143

9169 W State St Suite 1321

Garden City, ID 83714

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