Glow Health - Naturally!

Coffee Mug and Granola Bars

Off To A Clean Start!

March 21, 202211 min read

Many people think they are eating healthy when in reality, there are many sneaky foods coming into play that are throwing them off their game. In fact, some of these foods may even be putting them at a very high risk for future health problems. Unless you examine your foods with a fine tooth comb they may pass you by!

Hence, here you find the SNEAKY ONES! Some of these might downright shock you. Others, you may have already had a hunch about. This guide is designed to reveal the secrets of the food industry that mislead you and keep you eating foods you think are healthy for you but really aren't.


Is your granola bar the best bet? Surely your protein bar is better, right? It contains far more balanced nutrition given it has 10 or more grams of protein per bar. Check the sugar content! Most protein bars aren’t much more than glorified candy bars with a little protein added in. Even some of the newer, seemingly healthy protein bars that are made solely of nuts and fruits contain more than your daily allotment of sugar in just one bar. Don’t fall for the trap of thinking it must be healthy because of the packaging or advertising. Get the facts before you eat it. If you look at the ingredient label, you’ll see that most protein bars have a whole lineup of ingredients – most of which you likely can’t pronounce. Sometimes there are as many as 30 different ingredients in one bar! Most people also think that these are relatively low sugar options but it’s not unusual for granola bars to pack in 10, 15, even 20 grams of sugar or more. Considering the fact that the average woman should consume no more than 24 grams of sugar per day (that’s about 6 teaspoons), Ask yourself, do you really want to spend all your sugar on this one item? It will make keeping yourself within your limits considerably harder. There are much better breakfast choices you could be having. Also, note that sometimes ‘sugar’ isn’t listed as sugar on the label for these granola bars. There are many other terms used to describe sugar such as glucose, high glucose-fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses, and evaporated cane juice and concentrated fruit juice, so make sure you get well acquainted with all of these deceptive terms as well. The second big issue with some bars is the fact they are usually not gluten free. If you’re trying to lose weight or improve your health eliminating gluten is one of the most important measures to take. Gluten is highly inflammatory and if not organic, contains a highly toxic pesticide called glyphosate. Inflammation in the body is like rust and high levels are what make us ill and gain weight. Common symptoms from gluten and inflammation include feeling bloated, fatigued and fuzzy minded. It can contribute to arthritis and generalized aches and pains in the body. So get those granola bars off your grocery list. Remember that when checking bars you need to be careful about the serving size. If the nutritional panel lists the food as having 8 grams of sugar per serving, but one serving is one bar and there are two bars in the package, know that eating both bars will load you up with 16 grams of sugar. Right? What might your body like better?

A good golden rule: If you can’t pronounce it, don’t put it into your body. Also, follow the rule of 8: If it has more than 8 ingredients, it likely is not healthy for you to eat. You don’t need artificial ingredients, preservatives, and extracts going into your system, which most of these bars are full of. Instead, carry protein-laden snacks such as nuts and seeds with you. Pecans, walnuts, pistachios and sunflower seeds are all good choices. Many people worry that there is too much fat in these foods and that they contribute to weight gain when the exact opposite is true. It’s not fat that makes you fat, it’s sugar. Seeds and nuts are secret weapons in losing weight! Try hard boiled eggs with a little sea salt. They are easy to prepare ahead and carry with you. They are packed with protein, low in sugar and terrific for breakfast on the go or a midday snack!


Energy Drinks! What can be the 3 main issues? 1. Sugar. Check the label. Unless it’s sugar free, these are no better than a regular soda. 2. Chemicals. Artificial sweeteners, colors, extracts – all will usually be in these beverages. 3. Caffeine. While it may provide you with a temporary ‘high’, you’ll crash shortly after. It is important to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially when exercising. Generally, plain, filtered water will replenish what you lose and no special fluids are required. If you are participating in high intensity sports or exercise then replacing electrolytes with an unsweetened electrolyte water like Smart Water or make your own to go! Squeeze a lemon, add a pinch of REAL SALT (the brand) a few drops of stevia into that water bottle and BAM!!! You got a healthy electrolyte blast!


Clearly avoiding regular soda is a no-brainer. It’s loaded with sugar and calories– both of which work against your goals. Most regular sodas contain over 30 grams of sugar in one serving. But what about DIET DRINKS? There are no calories or sugar there. RIGHT!! But they do contain artificial sweeteners such as Sweet N Low, Nutrasweet and Equal. These sweeteners are chemicals, are not natural for your body and can have a number of unwanted side effects such as digestive distress, gas, bloating, headaches, and may even be linked to serious health conditions and diseases. Studies have repeatedly shown that eating artificially sweetened foods increases weight gain. In the long run people fare far better with their weight when they avoid sweet tasting foods altogether and reset the “sweet point” of their taste buds to prefer naturally sweet foods only. There are many artificial sweeteners out there – Aspartame, Sucralose, Acesulfame-K, Saccharin, Xylitol, Sorbitol – avoid them all. Note that this includes those cute little flavor drops you may be using to flavor your water as well. If it says “diet” anything on the label pass it by. Choose naturally occurring foods and drinks instead. When it comes to losing weight drink water, water and more water. Find ways to jazz it up a bit with a little bit of citrus juice or letting it sit with sliced cucumbers in it!


BUT be careful of salad dressings. Low fat varieties are very high in sugar. The sugar content is increased to disguise the lack of flavor from removing the fat. Remember that it’s not fat that makes us fat, it’s sugar and get full fat dressing for your salad. Better yet, make your own. Commercially prepared salad dressings usually contain added preservatives, thickeners, colorings and artificial flavorings that your body just doesn’t need. Check the label to make sure you aren’t getting these as they are a form of toxicity in your body that will keep you from losing weight. Create your own salad dressing instead with a little olive oil, apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and some herbs and/or spices. Pinterest is a wonderful resource for recipes of all kinds, including healthy salad dressings! Prepare larger batches and keep refrigerated!


Unless you consume only plain yogurt then you are likely getting more sugar than you think because the fruit and other flavored varieties are loaded with sweeteners! Check out that label. It may contain real fruit but that fruit is always sweetened with natural or artificial sweeteners in yogurt. Hard to say OK! to if you want to lose weight. Secondly, 2% milk has less fat than regular but the same amount of naturally occurring sugar, lactose. Not to be repetitious but, it’s not fat that makes us fat, it’s sugar. Getting the right amount of fat actually helps us to lose weight and feel full longer. The average glass of milk contains a high amount of lactose, or milk sugar. You’ll take in nearly 10 grams per cup, so if you drink 3 glasses of milk per day you’re at your sugar intake total for the entire 24-hour period! In addition, cow’s milk dairy products cause inflammation in the body. As previously stated, inflammation is the rust that accumulates, makes us feel poorly, get sick, gain weight and ultimately die. Try some unsweetened almond or coconut milk instead. Try unsweetened rice milk, hazelnut milk, cashew milk or there are many TASTEY nutty and other alternatives. Plain yogurt made from goat’s milk or coconut or other options is a better choice than co fruit flavored. I personally LOVE the raw coconut yogurt already sweetened with a little stevia!


It doesn’t really matter how ‘whole grain’ that cold breakfast cereal you’re eating is, it is also processed and often contains a huge dose of sugar as well. Take Bran Flakes for instance. This, most people would think, would be the gold standard of breakfast cereals -Check out the stats! Per ¾ cup of bran flakes, you’ll take in 5 grams of sugar. Most people will eat at least two servings for breakfast (1 ½ cups), meaning that’s 10 grams of sugar you’ve packed onto your day. Add the naturally occurring sugar from the milk you put on top of that cereal and you are close to your limit of sugar for the day( women, you are looking at no more than 24grams if you are simply trying to maintain your weight.) If you are trying to lose weight then you might want to start your day out on another foot! If you have been consuming high sugar cereals then you will benefit from switching to a lower added sugar brand and if that’s the most you can tolerate at first, by all means, take the step and do that. Ultimately, most people will fare much better with their weight by skipping cereal altogether and opting instead for a protein laden breakfast of eggs or soup and a salad or steamed veggies!

AND Whole grains are healthy right? Don’t be fooled. Grains in bread and bread products are highly processed to be created into bread and are going to break down quickly in your body, spiking blood sugar levels and putting you at risk for weight gain. All bread by nature is processed, so it doesn’t really matter what type of bread you are eating, they all turn rapidly into sugar in your body. Think Carbs. This also supplies to muffins and bagels as well. If you are trying to lose weight switching to whole grain anything should not be part of your plan. Eliminating all processed grains and unprocessed too really. This is a tough one and if you decide to work with us, we look as customized protocols with lots of tasty options that are right for YOU!


These may seem to be a good choice – they contain no fat, after all! – but they are not. Remember, it’s not fat that makes us fat, it’s sugar. The fat has to be replaced with something else to sustain the taste and texture in the product and that something is usually sugar. Remember that dietary fat is not the enemy here. Good, healthy fats can actually help you lose weight. It’s nutrient devoid sugar that you want to be steering away from.


YES, for weight loss in mind, avoid dried fruit at all costs. It may be natural but it’s been sucked of all its moisture and is very calorie and sugar dense. Most dried fruits have more grams of sugar per serving than a candy bar. ¼ cup of raisins, for instance, has 24 grams of sugar in it. Not good if you are watching your weight and sugar intake. Likewise, also be careful about some natural fruit as well. While not all fruit should be avoided (berries and citrus are great!), certain fruits such as pineapple, melons, mangos, grapes, and bananas are much higher in sugar and should be eaten in moderation only if not avoided at all. You can get just as many, if not more, nutrients from wholesome, crunchy, juicy vegetables!

Variety is the spice of life and allows your body to receive a better balance of micro and macro vitamins and minerals needed for health optimization.

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